Branding, Web Design & Sales
Designed the brand identity for a publishing house including their logo, websites, video production assets, and promotional materials for their books.
One of my first opportunities to complete a full brand identity was for the publishing house, Gobreau Press.
To create a consistent look-and-feel across all of their content, I designed their logo and animated it as well for use in videos and also created offline promotional materials including book sell sheets.

Logo animation completed in Adobe After Effects for client videos
At the clients request, I created additional promotional materials such as book sell sheets to be used at points of sale.
The largest part of the project was designing and building two websites for the client, including an author website,, and a website for the publisher,
I chose to use Webs as my CMS tool of choice for building this website. It enabled a fair amount of customisability so I could build the designs I had intended for these two websites and, more importantly, offered an intuitive interface which allowed my client to easily add additional content after I had completed the project.
Landing page for Gobreau Press website,
Landing page for author website,